Quantitative Cellular and Molecular Biology Summer School

APPLY for the Winnipeg Summer School by October 15th, 2024: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeKE9D0yKH0_eyxaKtjbFkePShMyYGvJfcpEfUBqaDwn8O4bA/viewform

The Quantitative Cellular and Molecular Biology summer school will be the second edition of the 3MC-PIMS-ICMS schools.


The first edition, organized by ICMS, will be held in Edinburgh in 2024.

The program, 3MC, (https://natural-sciences.nwu.ac.za/paa/3MC) proposes mini-courses or schools to equip African postgraduate students and early career researchers with mathematical modelling skills and fundamental mathematical tools, and provides a platform for interactions to initiate a dialogue on how mathematical modelling can be used in socioeconomic problems in Africa.

The school will accommodate about 40 students, 20 of them being alumni of the 3MC program, and 20 being local students from Canada.

This event will strengthen connections between Canada, the UK, and Africa, contribute to the development of mathematics in low income countries, and help the recruitment (or co-supervision) of African graduate students at PIMS sites to improve diversity in Mathematical Science.